Cabochon - Seraphinite (CAB004)

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Seraphinite Cabochon

Size: 36x22x6mm

Weight: 7.40g

Polished Back

Seraphinite is a trade name for a particular form of clinochlore which is mined in a limited area of eastern Siberia in Russia. Russian mineralogist Nikolay Koksharov (1818-1892 or 1893) is often credited with its discovery. The word Seraph is from Isaiah 6 in the Hebrew Testament, and refers to winged angelic beings in service of God. It is believed that  Seraphinite acquired its name due to its resemblance to feathers.

Seraphinite Cabochon

Size: 36x22x6mm

Weight: 7.40g

Polished Back

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